Man vs. Machine

Cyber Security is very important and should never be taken lightly. There are tons of people and organizations out to commit cybercrimes and they’re good at it.
For example, there was a major retailer whose information was compromised because of one email and one employee. This employee used their work computer at a coffee shop and opened a phishing email and from there everything was lost. The employee brought the laptop back to their business and once they were on the company network, the virus spread quickly. Read the whole story here.
So how can mistakes like these be prevented? With the right kind of security that prevents phishing, scamming, and cybercriminals from entering your network. With Axigent Network Security, your business can rest easy knowing all your information is safe in the office and out of the office.
The services we offer are fool-proof, easy to implement, and cost effective. Design, implement, and support next-generation firewall platforms Develop robust security policies and procedures
Recommend and implement disaster recovery and planning
Build policy definitions and enable policy implementation and enforcement Provide wireless security evaluation
Handle patch, change management, and log monitoring services Provide end-user education with regard to types of attack vectors
Your company is safe with Axigent, that’s a guarantee.