In Good Company

What do familiar names like Airbnb Inc., Uber, and Stripe have in common? They are among the world’s most successful private startup companies in history. And while none of these organizations’ impacts can be ignored, Stripe and other online payment applications has changed e-commerce forever. In the past, if companies wanted their customers to be able to make monetary transactions online, they had to weed through stacks of bank paperwork and rely on their banks’ IT teams if problems arose. Stripe and similar organizations now make it relatively painless to set up online billing and payment methods in a secure environment.
The online payment industry is young, and it’s incredibly competitive. These developers know that they are onto a concept that has made countless online transactions much more efficient for businesses as well as for consumers. Stripe profits by charging a minimal fee for each transaction that runs through their system, and it’s obvious that profits will continue to increase as Stripe continues to make deals with very well-known companies, such as Google and Amazon. Their developers also continue to debut features that will keep improving the efficiency and accuracy of their customers’ accounting. It’s exciting to think of what is next for Stripe, but also for the industry of online financial transactions as well. And, of course, as these IT companies continue to develop their products, their customers will benefit from more efficient productivity. This article gives an interesting look into the world of startup online payment companies.
Axigent is a managed IT Company that services organizations of all sizes in the Amarillo and Dallas/Ft. Worth areas. We can help you implement tools such as optimal e-commerce technology that will benefit your bottom line.